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Bronchitis Treatment and Bronchitis Treatment and List
[size=4][b]Bronchitis Treatment - Bronchitis Treatment - List of Excellent Drugs[/b][/size][hr]Modern society suffers mostly from various kinds of respiratory disorders, some contagious and some noncontagious. The markets are flooded with a variety of drugs to treat bronchitis and other disorders. All of us need to have adequate knowledge about how to maintain good health. We need to know the best drugs to treat bronchitis, in case we are stricken with it.

Some of the medicines typically taken by patients suffering from chronic bronchitis are bronchodilators to dilate the bronchi and to enable easier breathing, antibiotics to destroy any bacteria that might be infecting your respiratory tract, and steroids. In certain cases, people suffering from chronic bronchitis require supplemental oxygen to help them deal with the low levels of oxygen in their body.

[size=large][b]Chances for Complete Recovery from Chronic Bronchitis are Slim[/b][/size][hr]You need to identify the disease in its earliest stages and arrest its further progress immediately. You can do so by making major lifestyle changes such as moving to a cleaner area, quitting smoking, and giving up alcohol altogether.

[size=large][b]There is No Need to Take Any Drugs to Treat Bronchitis that is Caused by Viruses[/b][/size][hr]You simply need a lot of rest, water and fruit juices in abundance, and a humidifier. In addition, you have to avoid dust and polluted environments. The only drugs required in this conditions are those that alleviate the symptoms of bronchitis--anti-inflammatory drugs, pain killers, expectorants, and nasal decongestants.

You have to take antibiotics or antibacterial drugs to treat bronchitis that is caused by bacteria; the drugs destroy the bacteria that are infecting your bronchi. In rare cases, the bronchitis might be caused by a fungus, and you will have to take antifungal drugs in addition to the other medicines that tackle the symptoms of bronchitis.

[size=large][b]Before Taking Any Sort of Drug to Treat Bronchitis, Consult Your Doctor[/b][/size][hr]Your doctor will determine, on the basis of your medical history, whether or not a particular drug will be beneficial for you. Doctors are the most qualified to determine the best combination of drugs to treat bronchitis. They also give you the correct instruction about the usage of these drugs. Now that we think about it, Acute Bronchitis are not actually that difficult a topic to write about. Just looking at the word, ideas form in people's minds about the meaning and usage of Acute Bronchitis. Big Grin.

Quote:[list][*]Along with the medication and the rest of the treatment plan, it is essential that you stop smoking.[*]The earlier you quit smoking, the sooner you can undo the damage done to your lungs. Big Grin[/list]

[size=large][b]However, Some Patients Take Expectorants to Facilitate Easier Breathing[/b][/size][hr]Anti-inflammatory drugs will help you obtain relief from the various symptoms of bronchitis. In certain cases, bronchitis can lead to very painful sinusitis. Decongestants will help you alleviate this symptom. You might also require pain killers to ease the muscle pain that always comes with bronchitis.

[size=large][b]Treatment of Acute Bronchitis[/b][/size][hr]Acute bronchitis is the milder of the two types of bronchitis. There is no need to take any drugs to treat bronchitis of this type, which is a short-term disorder. Acute bronchitis lasts only for a couple of weeks or lesser if treated with care. The duration of the illness also depends on the type of microbe causing it.

[size=large][b]Treatment of Chronic Bronchitis[/b][/size][hr]On the other hand, chronic bronchitis, a long-term disorder, requires long-term care. If you are suffering from chronic bronchitis, you need to take a variety of drugs to obtain relief from the symptoms of the disorders along with drugs that might help cure the condition. It was really tough getting information about anything previously. Now with the advent of the Internet, anyone can access any information at any time of the day.

[size=large][b]There are Two Forms of Bronchitis, the Acute and the Chronic Bronchitis[/b][/size][hr]The most common of the two is the acute bronchitis form. This is the result of lung infections with a virus or bacteria. Acute bronchitis is in most of the cases a consequence of an infection in the upper respiratory system.

[b]If your cough becomes persistent and you have chest pain; - having bronchitis symptoms for more than one and a half weeks; - the mucus produced by the cough has a darker color;[/b]

For more resources about bronchitis or especially about chronic bronchitis please visit ***** About the Author: It would be hopeless trying to get people who are not interested in knowing more about Acute Bronchitis to read articles pertaining to it. Only people interested in Acute Bronchitis will enjoy this article.

To actually understand bronchitis, we must know what part of our body it affects and how. Well, bronchitis is a respiratory infection, in which the bronchial tubes become inflated. This is bronchitis. This membrane swallows constantly and it grows thicker every day, making it hard for air to get to your lungs. The acute form of bronchitis lasts about two months. The chronic bronchitis can last up to two years. In this interval, you will suffer from bronchitis, feel better and than develop it again, as this form of bronchitis is recurrent. A lot of imagination is required in writing. People may think that writing on Bronchitis Smoker is very easy; on the contrary, knowledge and imagination has to be merged to create an interesting composition.

[list][*]As bronchitis is a disease that has consequences, a doctor must called as soon as possible.[*]He/ she will give you the proper bronchitis treatment.[*]However, there is reason for concern in some of the following cases:[*]Colored yellow or green.[*]The period of coughing in chronic bronchitis is also longer, about three months.[*]You might also loose your breath once in a while when suffering from chronic bronchitis.[*]If you have another lung problem and develop bronchitis, you might have serious complications;[*]The treatment for bronchitis is simple and available for everybody.[*]It depends on what type of bronchitis you have.[*]However, if besides the bronchitis symptoms you cough blood or the symptoms for bronchitis are very severe, a doctor should be seen right away.[*]Reading is a habit that has to be cultivated from a small age.[*]Only if one has the habit of reading can one acquire more knowledge on things like Acute Bronchitis. [/list]

Acute bronchitis has many different symptoms, like cough, fever, sore throat, chills and you might sometimes have some problems breathing when suffering from acute bronchitis. The cough is the most common symptom for acute bronchitis. The second type of bronchitis, chronic bronchitis has almost the same symptoms as acute bronchitis, but the cough is persistent and it produces a mucus This article has been written with the intention of showing some illumination to the meaning of Bronchitis Respiratory. This is so that those who don't know much about Bronchitis Respiratory can learn more about it.

Introduction Bronchitis is a respiratory disease in which the mucous membrane in the lungs bronchial passages becomes inflamed and usually occurs in the setting of an upper respiratory illness and is observed more frequently in the winter months. It may be short-lived (acute) or chronic, meaning that it lasts a long time and often recurs and can have causes other than an infection. Bronchitis can also occur when acids from your stomach consistently back up into your food pipe, a condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. Both adults and children can get it. If you are a smoker and come down with the acute form, it will be much harder for you to recover. If you continue smoking, you are increasing your chances of developing the chronic form which is a serious long-term disorder that often requires regular medical treatment. If you suffer from chronic bronchitis, you are at risk for developing cardiovascular problems as well as more serious lung diseases and infections, and you should be monitored by a doctor.

Conclusion Bronchitis is an inflammation of the air passages within the lungs and may be accompanied by signs and symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, including: Soreness and a feeling of constriction or burning in your chest, Sore throat, Congestion, Breathlessness, Wheezing, Slight fever and chills, Overall malaise. Wink

[size=medium][b]Bacterial Bronchitis: Treatment, Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors[/b][/size]

Tobacco and infectious agents are major causes of chronic bronchitis and although found in all age groups, it is diagnosed most frequently in children younger than 5 years. In 1994, it was diagnosed in more than 11 of every 100 children younger than 5 years. Fewer than 5% of people with bronchitis go on to develop pneumonia. Most cases clear up on their own in a few days, especially if you rest, drink plenty of fluids, and keep the air in your home warm and moist. If you have repeated bouts of bronchitis, see your doctor.

[size=large][b]Most People can Treat Their Symptoms At Home[/b][/size][hr]However, if you have severe or persistent symptoms or if you cough up blood,you should see your doctor. The doctor will recommend that you drink lots of fluids, get plenty of rest, and may suggest using an over-the-counter or prescription cough medicine to relieve your symptoms as you recover. If you do not improve, your doctor may prescribe an inhaler to open your airways. If symptoms are severe, the doctor may order a chest x-ray to exclude pneumonia. So after reading what we have mentioned here on Chronic Bronchitis Asthma, it is up to you to provide your verdict as to what exactly it is that you find fascinating here.

Risk Over time, harmful substances in tobacco smoke can permanently damage the airways, increasing the risk for emphysema, cancer, and other serious lung diseases. People at risk for acute bronchitis include: The elderly, infants, and young children, Smokers, People with heart or lung disease. Passive smoke exposure is a risk factor for chronic bronchitis and asthma in adults. Smoking (even for a brief time) and being around tobacco smoke, chemical fumes, and other air pollutants for long periods of time puts a person at risk for developing the disease. Overall, tobacco smoking accounts for as much as 90% of the risk. Secondhand smoke or environmental tobacco smoke increases the risk of respiratory infections, augments asthma symptoms, and causes a measurable reduction in pulmonary function. Malnutrition increases the risk of upper respiratory tract infections and subsequent acute bronchitis, especially in children and older people.

Symptoms Symptoms lasting up to 90 days are usually classified as acute; symptoms lasting longer, sometimes for months or years, are usually classified as chronic. Signs of Infectious bronchitis generally begins with the symptoms of a common cold: runny nose, sore throat, fatigue, chills, and back and muscle aches. The signs of either type of bronchitis include: Cough that produces mucus; if yellow-green in color, you are more likely to have a bacterial infection, Shortness of breath made worse by exertion or mild activity, Wheezing, Fatigue, Fever -- usually low and Chest discomfort. Additional symptoms include: Frequent respiratory infections (such as colds or the flu), Ankle, feet, and leg swelling, Blue-tinged lips due to low levels of oxygen. Writing on Chronic Bronchitis proved to be a gamble to us. This is because there simply seemed to be nothing to write about in the beginning of writing. It was only in the process of writing did we get more and more to write on Chronic Bronchitis.

[list][*]Lobelia (officially lobelia inflata), alias Indian tobacco, was a common herb prescribed by early North American doctors.[*]Its main use was in healing respiratory ailments, such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and coughs.[*]The plant stem, which has only a few branches, is smooth above while the lower part is rough and hairy.[*]The lower leaves, which are about two inches in length, have stalks, while the upper, smaller ones do not.[*]The pale green or yellowish leaves have a sharp taste and a slightly irritating odor.[*]The sparse flowers are pale violet-blue outside and pale yellow inside.[/list]

[size=large][b]Other Practical Ways to Use Lobelia's Qualities Include These[/b][/size][hr]Rub lobelia tincture or extract on the shoulders of a restless child; this is an excellent way to help him go to sleep. Rub the extract on the gums of a teething baby. Take it internally to expel mucus, remove congestion from the stomach, and to encourage the flow of oxygenized blood. A poultice can be applied for ringworm, bruises, and insect bites. Catnip and lobelia enemas are good for treating mumps in males. As a sedative it is said to rank somewhere between veratrum and aconite.

[size=large][b]Lobelia's Main Use is in Treating Respiratory Problems Like Bronchitis and Pneumonia[/b][/size][hr]It stimulates the adrenal glands to release the hormone epinephrine, which causes the airways to relax. Lobelia is a strong relaxant and clears obstructions. It relaxes the stomach (a common problem in asthmatic children) as it dilates the bronchial passages. In fact, many people have used it to stop asthma attacks in place of inhalants. The sources used for the information for this article on Bronchitis Pneumonia are all dependable ones. This is so that there be no confusion in the authenticity of the article. Wink

[list][*]Lobelia consists of various alkaloids, a bitter glycoside (lobelacrin), a pungent volatile oil (lobelianin), resin, gum, chelidonic acid and fats.[*]The alkaloid lobeline is its main ingredient and namesake.[*]Others include lobelidine, lobelanine, nor-lobelaine, lobelanidine, nor-lobelanidine, and isolobenine, as well as fourteen pyridine alkaloids.[*]Lobelia is available for internal use as a dried herb, in a liquid extract form, and as tinctures.[*]Externally, it is available in ointments, lotions, suppositories, and plasters.[*]You can make a tea by mixing 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of the dried herb with eight ounces of water.[*]Then let it steep for 30 to 40 minutes.[*]Take two ounces of this four times a day but, be warned, many think it tastes awful![*]Take .6 to 2 ml of the tincture each day.[*]This is based on a 150 pound adult.[*]Adjust dosage for children proportionately.[*]It was with great relief we ended writing on Asthma Bronchitis.[*]There was just too much information to write, that we were starting to lose hopes on it's completion! [/list]

[size=large][b]Use Lobelia to Treat Laryngitis in Children and for Barking Coughs[/b][/size][hr]Ellingwood recommended lobelia for the following pathologies: "spasmodic asthma, spasmodic croup, membranous croup, infantile convulsions, whooping cough, puerperal eclampsia, epilepsy, tetanus, hysterical paraxysms, diphtheria, hysterical convulsions, tonsillitis, pneumonia," among others. We have also translated parts of this composition into French and Spanish to facilitate easier understanding of Asthma Bronchitis Pneumonia. In this way, more people will get to understand the composition.

[list][*]Lobeline works much like nicotine in its effect on the central nervous system but without the addictive properties.[*]In fact, it is a main ingredient of many quit smoking treatments.[*]Lobeline acts as a relaxant overall and is used to treat spastic colon and muscle problems.[*]It also dilates the bronchioles, thereby increasing respiration and helping the lungs.[/list]

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